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Hi, my name is Kelly,

and I am on a mission to help female entrepreneurs be in the spotlight WITH CONFIDENCE...


… especially when your Fear wants you to play small

Kelly Fox

But let’s first talk about you!


You have a burning desire to share your message with the world...


But you lack confidence or don’t have personal branding developed. You may feel like you are always waiting for somebody’s permission...

I’ve got you.


Like you, I always knew I had a purpose, but for many years, I didn’t have the confidence and skills to step up and lead. I didn't not know how to show up authentically to make a difference.

A little about me...


I am a coach who loves to serve, be honest, and inspire others to be authentic by showing up that way myself.


Shine so they shine!


Working with me, you will give yourself PERMISSION to be you, step FEARLESSLY into the spotlight, and ATTRACT THE ATTENTION (and the clients) you want!

The mistakes female entrepreneurs are making when stepping into the spotlight to promote their business.


  • Saying ‘I should be this way or that way’ instead of being AUTHENTICALLY self-expressed (believe it or not, authenticity is what attracts others to you!

  • Dressing a certain way because they think that’s what a professional person does (instead of dressing for their energy type!)

  • Following other people’s opinions about the ‘right way’ of being...  instead of going deep within and developing their own brand that aligns with their authentic Self.

  • They get A LOT of training…  Workshop after workshop, certificate after certificate…  but they are waiting because they still don’t have all the ducks in the row!!

  • Sharing a message that is not connected to their heart!!! They are terrified of being unique!!

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This is for you if...  

  • you are an entrepreneur or a leader, and you understand the value of visibility (but you are scared to take it on)

  • you are coachable, willing to do the work and go deep into your fear and unlock your true nature.

  • You are ready to create a world for yourself that you can’t wait to wake up in each morning.

This is not for you if...

  • you are unsure of your commitment to yourself and your purpose.

  • If you are satisfied with the status quo of your current comfort zone.

  • if you are not willing to invest in yourself or don’t understand the value of coaching


My Training:


I am the best at what I do because I am masterful at spotting the real you that’s hiding through the fear and ridding you of the blind spots that keep you there.


I am also an Advanced Certified Fearless Living Coach and Certified Fearless Trainer (I’ve received a community award for fearlessness the last 5 years running), and I have two training certificates with Emotional Freedom Technique.

Fun facts about me are...

 that I have 6 kids, 3 boys, and 3 girls.

My favorite place to go is Disneyland. I have gone over 50 times.

I also did my first play when I was 4 years old.

Kelly Fox

     Coach Kelly's sincere, light yet fully-present coaching style made me feel at home and safe from day 1. She combines her knowledge with an authentic, loving spirit. It was during our 10-session coaching engagement--which was part of my FLTP package--that I got very clear about my niche and brand as a Life Coach, and she gave me very useful guidance in the relationship area as well. She was a powerful partner and continues to be an inspiration in my journey towards a sustainable soul career in Life Coaching. Thank you very much, Coach Kelly!


Em P. Guevara of the Philippines  

What my clients are saying

Em Guevara
Kelly Fox's family
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